Find Balance , Strength , and Serenity at Our Yoga Center. Contact - 9051829900.


“If there’s anything in this chaotic world that can calm your senses and relax your body, it is yoga. The many benefits of yoga have been proved time and again. 

Hatha Yoga

"Harmonize breath and posture, Hatha Yoga's

Vinyasa Yoga

"Flowing breath and movement, Vinyasa's rhythmic dance."

Kundalini Yoga

"Flowing breath and movement, Vinyasa's rhythmic dance."

Intuitive Yoga

"Listening to your body's whispers, Intuitive
Yoga's art."

Aroma Yoga

"Essences surround, Aroma Yoga's fragrant

Slow Yoga

"Gentle breath, unhurried flow, Slow Yoga's soothing balm."


we believe in the transformative power of yoga – not just as a physical exercise, but as a holistic practice that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. Nestled in the heart of tranquility, our studio offers a sanctuary where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, wellness, and inner peace.

Find Your Inner Peace: Unveiling the Benefits of Yoga at Yoga Nirvana

  • Enhanced Strength and Flexibility
  • Stress Relief and Mental Clarity
  • Improved Sleep
  • Boosted Immunity and Overall Health
  • Greater Body Awareness
  • Inner Balance and Self-Discovery

Find Your Inner Peace: Unveiling the Benefits of Yoga at Yoga Nirvana

  • Enhanced Strength and Flexibility
  • Stress Relief and Mental Clarity
  • Improved Sleep
  • Boosted Immunity and Overall Health
  • Greater Body Awareness
  • Inner Balance and Self-Discovery

Numbers Speak

 With each passing year, we’ve refined our approach to yoga, focusing not only on physical poses but also on mental well-being and spiritual growth. Our classes are designed to promote balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

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Year Of Experience
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Happy Clients
Programs & Training's


While asthma has no single cure, yoga can be a powerful complementary therapy to help manage your symptoms and improve your overall well-being. Here’s how yoga can benefit those living with asthma:

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Muscle strength

Yoga isn’t just about flexibility and inner peace. It’s a fantastic way to build muscle strength, too! Here’s why you should consider yoga for a powerful physique:

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Better Sleep

Ever toss and turn all night? You’re not alone. Millions struggle with sleep issues, but there’s a natural remedy that can help: yoga.
Here’s why yoga is a sleep superstar, and how to use it for a better night’s rest:

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What My Clients​​ Say about Me